Runway 17/35
Dimensions: 5119 x 100 ft. / 1560 x 30 m.
Surface: Asphalt, in good condition
Weight Bearing Capacity: Single Wheel: 20.0
Double Wheel: 60.0
Runway edge lights: Medium intensity
Markings: Nonprecision, in good condition
Visual Slope Indicator: 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degree glide path)
Runway end identifier lights: Yes
Touchdown point: Yes, no lights
Runway 17 Runway 35
Elevation: 236.6 ft. 245.1 ft.
Traffic pattern: Right Left
Runway heading: 165 m / 160 t 345 m / 340 t
Approach lights: ODALS: omnidirectional None
approach lighting system
Dimensions: 4835 x 76 ft. / 1474 x 23 m.
Surface: Good Re-sealed and Re-painted
Weight Bearing Capacity: Single Wheel: 12.0
Runway edge lights: None
Markings: Nonprecision, in poor condition
Runway end identifier lights: No
Touchdown point: Yes, no lights
Runway 5 Runway 23
Elevation: 242.0 ft. 240.0 ft.
Traffic pattern: Left Right
Runway heading: 050 m / 045 t 230m/225t
Home Page
Runways, etc.
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Open to the public
Elevation: 246 feet / 75.0 meters
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Jacksonville Center 132.5/363.2
Attendance: 0900 - 1700
Wind Indicator: Lighted
Segmented Circle: Yes
Lights: On - Dusk until 2200 - then PCL on 122.8
Beacon: White-Green
Airport Communications:
WX AWOS-3: 119.775 (803-259-4536)
Ground link GCO: 121.725 (clearance delivery/wx)
Approach/Departure: 132.500/363.200 (JAX ARTCC)
FSS (DCA) Phone: 800-992-7433
Airport Services: 100 Low Lead
93Octane Mogas (Ethanol Free)
Jet A w/Prist (SP or OW)
Fuel is self-service with credit card 24 hours/day.
Parking: Hangars (when available) and Tiedowns
No ramp or tiedown fees